NEW FOR 2006!
I am currently in negotiations with the intention,albeit rather expensive,of procuring Issue 1 of Toby with free gift and
Issue 1 of See Saw with free gift.These will then take pride of place here sometime in February.So hopefully We will all see
the first strips of Toby and Goody Fox.Till then,happy new year from me.....
I have the first issues of Toby and See Saw and am now in the process of uploading so check all the links.There will also
be scans of the actual free gifts.I am particularly interested in either purchasing or recieving good quality scans of the
Merger issues with See Saw and Jack and Jill.
Also,as time goes on,will put up forum if interest is there.Don't forget to sign the guestbook.
As I mentioned in previous posts,I will be rearranging certain aspects of the site as time allows.Unfortunately one of the
provisos of this new work will be the removal of the See Saw first issue.This is to allow for more space for Toby-centric
info and strips.I really need scans of the first merger issues with See Saw and Jack and Jill to realise a new page based
on the entire run of Toby!Only you can help.I've also added a new FUN! page,so pop on over there to see what's up.Also,I'm
pleased to see people are finally posting in the Guestbook,so I've altered the question layout to include names(it's nice
to know who you are)and some more queries.Don't forget to visit or revisit if you've been before.Talk to you soon!
It's February 12th 2006 and I've been running a few things through my head as regards the site.As you can see,I've given my
ramblings it's own page which will also serve as a place for you to check out the latest news and updates.The history page
will also get a revamp soon.I've pondered over whether to use tables or not to display all the issues in thumbnail view with
a select few being viewable in full size by clicking on them?What do you think?A forum is another idea,but obviously only
feasible if enough people request it and make proper use of it.Please drop me a line in the guestbook to let me know your
views.Only then will I know how to proceed with any plans.Also,it will let me know that I'm not talking to myself...:-)
p.s. I'm leaving the first issue of See Saw online until Al from ComicsUK does a review,so view it while you can,'coz
then it'll be gone!
22nd FEBRUARY 2006
Hi Folks,I've been busy the last couple of days and you'll notice a few additions and maybe the odd removal here and there.First
off,the See Saw page is gone(warned you!)and a new "Mergers" link can be found on the navigation bar on the front
page.I have also updated the Toby and Goody Fox characters pages with more strange and not-so-strange individuals that featured
in the series.Also don't forget to click on Toby's head on the front page for some useful FAQ's.Talk to you soon.Again,sign
the Guestbook if you like what you see and more importantly if you can contribute...
Exciting news,comic lovers.Coming soon to a web site near you,we proudly present Cosmic!We're keeping the plans under wraps
for the time being,but rest assured you will like the results.Stare in wonder at the adventures of Captain Cosmic and others
as we celebrate the first issue of a bygone comic.And it's not even Issue One?!?
Another site that may see the light of day sometime in the future centres on this popular character from the 70's...STARHAWK.He
first appeared in the Crunch comic and also appeared in the Hotspur when the two comics joined in 1980.
10th March 2006
Okay folks,the Cosmic site is live!Just click on Quark below.I have uploaded the first 13 pages of this seminal publication
for your perusal,so enjoy.Also busy at work on Starhawk!And as if that isn't enough,the Forum is up and running.The link is
on the navgation bar on the front page.Till next time...
7th April 2006
Okay folks,the Starhawk site is now online,well worth a visit!
16th April 2006
The new format for the site is now underway,tables and thumbnails.Issues 1 and 2 now online for your reading pleasure!Summer
Special 1976 coming soon as well as Annual 1977,so stay tuned.A lot of material has been deleted but will be reinstated very
soon in keeping with the new look and feel of things,so don't despair.Also,Issue 1 of See Saw will be back online in a few
weeks,folks.Take care!
30th July 2006
Sorry for the delay in updates but have been very busy over at the Starhawk site.Have cleaned up the Toby and Goody Fox character
pages and organised them into tables.Also some pages from the Annual 1977 and Summer Special 1976 are up.A lot of the original
issues need extensive work in Photoshop due to bad wear and tear and that process unfortunately takes time.Will be working
here again soon so please be patient.
Have FINALLY got Issue 3 back online.I promise See Saw and maybe Issue 4 will follow suit before the end of the week,so check
back folks.
Issue 4!
At long last Issue 4 makes it's internet debut.Another exclusive for the first and only Toby site around!More to come very
20th August 2006
See Saw Issue 1 is back!Go to the History page and click on the thumbnail to read the very first issue!