One day when the sun was shining way back in 1976,a new comic for little children was launched.It was called Toby!
I was a nine year old boy at the time and the comic created such an impression on my young mind that it has stayed with me
to this very day.The purpose of this site is to relive those innocent days again and hopefully reawaken peoples memories of
this forgotten little gem.
Over time I will upload every issue I possess of the comic.While the site is a nostalgia trip for comic buffs,it can also
be used as an educational tool for children.Hopefully people will use the Guestbook link to let me know who you are and use
the forum for more indept analysis of this publication!.
This site is in the process of a complete overhaul.Check out the Issues section for a glimpse of the future design of
the site!The navigation links on the right are constantly being updated so check back often!Also click on the issue of Toby
above for a special message!
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